Tuesday, November 16, 2010

7 Reasons why the implementation of your filing for bankruptcy is essential

For years, I saw time and time again the time of filing for bankruptcy is crucial for a debtor receive the maximum number of bankruptcy that he or it possible can. Your depository discards all debts before you file. You can edit and add debts in bankruptcy, but after it is closed, it is more difficult.

(1) If you are going to some inevitable debt in the near future that you do not want to submit too soon. You may want to wait until after the debt was incurred. Many people have a medical problem as an upcoming operation will happen in the near future.If this is the case it is preferable to wait until this medical procedure has been completed and you are charged for elle.Ensuite, we can add debt bankruptcy and debt can be rejected.

If you have debts incurred in the near future it is a good idea to wait for this file you can include them in bankruptcy.

(2) If there are less than 8 years since the file a chapter 7 you want to wait until 8 years elapses before you file once more.If you are too early the case will be rejeté.Nous must carefully examine your last statement before we submit again for you.

(3) If some creditors continued to you then you want of course within approximately 30 days after the combination was served on you, not 30 days after the combination was filed).So try to remember when you were served with the mix and you have 30 days from the day of filing bankruptcy before the creditor can by default you and begin to try to collect your debt.

(4) If the lock has been started then you probably want to get the maximum time to stay in your home.In this case, you want to wait for the file at the last possible day before the trustee sale where your House will be vendue.Un deposit on the day preceding the sale stops sale and the creditor must file a petition for relief of stay to proceed with the sale.My experience this delay the sale for about two months on average in a chapter 7.

If you are filing a chapter 13 you can stop the sale but if you want to keep your home, you are obliged to have a sufficient income to pay and you also have income to pay at least partially your unsecured creditors

(5) If you are currently unemployed or underemployed and you believe that you can get a higher paying job in the future then you want to drop soon.It is possible that new job could pay you enough income that you fail the examination resources and therefore losing your ability to file a chapter 7 as you expected.

I met a few times here and would be a shame to keep file quickly ici.Perdre a chapter 7 may mean that you would be one where 13 up to five years you would be paying debts that you is released if you filed earlier.

(6) If you've recently accused a large amount on your credit card, then you may want to wait for some time to elapse so this also occurs with advances two fonds.Les ages.Cela load can invite a challenge of fraud, a society if credit card charges are too big and too early before the bankruptcy filing.

Here I love watching the counts and see where they were made, how, for what purposes and how recently YH ' analysis the risk of deposit on a case-by-case basis.

(7) If you want to just start rebuilding your credit then you would like to push forward bankruptcy and the file immediately.

View the original article here

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